Nov. 13-17

Monday- Ch. 5 Lesson 3 Notes: Students will answer notes questions while I lecture.

Tuesday- Students will do a crossword puzzle over Canada using an Atlas.

Wednesday- Kahoot review for Ch. 5 Test.

Thursday- Ch. 5 Test: This will be taken on google classroom so they need to have their computer charged.

Friday- Students will do a Thanksgiving activity to get ready for Thanksgiving Break!!

Oct. 30- Nov. 3

World Geography and Cultures

Monday: Counselor Slides

Tuesday: Notes over CH.4 L3

Wednesday: Worksheet over CH.4 L3; The assignment will be homework if it is not completed in class. I will be out for volleyball.

Thursday: Kahoot Review for test Friday!

Friday: CH.4 Test; This test will cover lessons 1,2, and 3. I take questions from their notes, so they should use their notes to study!

Oct. 23-27

World Geography and Cultures

Monday: Notes over Ch. 4 Lesson 2 (History of the US)

Tuesday: Notes continued from Monday

Wednesday: Half day/ We will use as a catch up day.

Thursday: Worksheet over notes covered Monday/Tuesday. We will do as a class together.

Friday: Ch. 4 Lesson 2 review questions out of the book/ Individual work should be turned in at the end of class. 

Oct. 2-6

World Geography and Cultures

Monday: Counselor slides and finishing vocabulary.

Tuesday: Chapter 3 lesson 1 slides/ Students will take notes over Ch. 3 lesson 1.

Wednesday: Chapter 3 lesson 1 continued/ Students will finish notes that go with lesson 1.

Thursday: Chapter 3 lesson 2 slides/ Students will take notes over lesson 2.

Friday: Worksheet for Ch. 3 lessons 1 &2./ Students will complete a worksheet over lessons covered this week. If not completed in class, it will be homework.

Sept. 18-22

World Geography and Cultures

Monday: Counselor slides  and set up google classroom. If

Tuesday: Chapter 2 Lesson 2 Slides/ Students will take notes that go along with the slides in class. 

Wednesday: Google Classroom video / Students will watch a video I have provided in google classroom and will answer a few questions.

Thursday: Chapter 2 lessons 3 notes and slideshow. / We will go over Ch. 2 lesson 3 with a notes page to go along with it.

Friday:Chapter 2 worksheet. / Students will use the book to do a worksheet over lessons 2 & 3.

September 11-15

World Geography and Cultures

Monday: Counselor slides over leadership and pass back graded quizzes

Tuesday: Chapter 2 vocabulary/ Students will use the book to copy down the vocabulary words.

Wednesday: Chapter 1 quiz retakes/ Student who did not get a 70% or above will retake the Ch. 1 quiz.

Thursday: Chapter 2 lessons 1 & 2 notes and slideshow. / We will go over Ch. 2 with a notes page to go along with it.

Friday:Chapter 2 worksheet. / Students will use the book to do a worksheet over lessons 1 & 2.

Daily grade drop

Hello Parents!

I wanted to get on here to let you all know that I have decided to drop the daily grade over primary and secondary resources! I had a few mistakes on my key and thought it would be best to go over the paper in class and make sure of understanding. I will give them a little homework sheet on Friday to make up for it. It should not take more than 30 minutes to finish and will take the spot for an easy daily grade!


Mrs. Cook


Binders for my class

Hello parents!

I wanted to post on here to let you know that your children will need a binder for my class. It was on the supply list but it has come to my attention that other teachers have used them, plus band and choir too. If possible, please make sure your child has a binder for my class by Wednesday. That’s when we will get those set up so the kids can get a little more organized for my class.

If you will have trouble getting that by Wednesday, please let me know.

August 28- September 1

World Geography and Cultures

Monday: Reading a map./ Notes page over how to read a map.

Tuesday: Go over Primary and Secondary source worksheet from Thursday and finish vocabulary if it has not been completed./I will allow corrections.

Wednesday: Binder set up/ We will set up binders to get organized for my class. Each student needs one for my class.

Thursday: Latitude and Longitude. / We will go over how to do lines of latitude and longitude.

Friday:Latitude and Longitude worksheet./ Worksheet over Latitude and Longitude. Due at the end of class.