Lesson Plans: January 7-10


Tuesday- We will be going over a map of Mexico and Central America. We will label the countries and start going over some of the geography of this area.

Wednesday- Vocabulary over CH.6

Thursday- Students will do a worksheet over climate regions and what types of crops could be found in each climate region

Friday- We will go over Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Latin America.

PARENTS: Important Announcement!!

I wanted to post on here and let you know that today I handed out the semester review for their exam today. They worked on it in class and were told to bring it home to study.

I HAVE POSTED A KEY IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM!! This is for them to make sure they are studying the correct things. Please make sure your child studies this over the weekend, plus Monday and Tuesday night.

This review is VERY similar to their exam!

Oct. 28- Nov. 1

Monday- Label the Rivers and bodies of water of the United States

Tuesday- Activity/Worksheet over rivers and bodies of water

Wednesday- Kahoot for quiz Thursday

Thursday- Quiz over rivers and regionsĀ  (For study purposes, completed maps will be posted in google classroom!)

Friday- Notes over history of the US



If your child does not have a grade for CH.3 vocabulary, it is because they have not completed them. I have given them a whole class period and over the weekend to finish them, along with Monday. If they are not turned in after today, it will be a zero in the grade book. Please make sure to ask them!

The words and definitions are on Google Classroom. All they need to do it write them on notebook paper.


Sept. 3-6

Monday- School Holiday!

Tuesday- Notes over Reading a map and Types of Maps

Wednesday- Latitude and Longitude

Thursday- Worksheet over Latitude and Longitude; A review will be posted in Google Classroom for students to study.

Friday- CH.1 Test

Aug. 26-30

Monday – Go over world map with 7 continents and 5 oceans

Tuesday- Ch. 1 Lesson 1 notes- Primary and secondary sources

Wednesday- Go over 8 strands of Social Studies worksheet

Thursday- Primary and Secondary sources worksheet

Friday- World Map Quiz

August 19-24

Hello! I am so sorry to be posting late, but it has been a crazy busy start to the year. Your kids have done great so far. Here is what our schedule for the week looks like:

Monday- Set up classroom binders and share about “what would your perfect school year look like?”

Tuesday- Start notes over the 8 strands of Social Studies

Wednesday- Finish Notes over the 8 strands of Social Studies]

Thursday- Worksheet over 8 Strands of Social Studies

Friday- Chapter 1 Vocabulary- Due by the end of class.